Fr. Paddy's Blog

These posts and more are also available on Portlaoise Parish website.

Spread The Faith

Recent fine weather has given us an opportunity to refresh and renew. It amazes me, how we awaken with such hope and energy because of sunlight. Nature is looking splendid […]

Accepting Difference

In his recent Easter message, Pope Francis, reminds us “God loves us as we are, in our own unique way, our Creator, delights in what has been created”. A worrying […]

Easter “All Is New”

Easter is a wonderful time of year. Nature, reflects the transformation, from darkness into light. New green leaves, spring blossoms and brighter days lift our mood and awakens within us […]

The Gift of Holy Week

How often do we find ourselves thinking where has time gone? Already in 2023, we have moved from the darkness of winter into the freshness of brighter evenings with the […]

10th Anniversary of Pope Francis

Pope Francis, recently celebrated his 10th anniversary since becoming leader of the Catholic Church. His leadership is a remarkable one. Actions always speak louder than words, Francis, by his humility […]

A Mother’s Love…. A Blessing

Sure I love the dear silver that shines in your hair. Does anyone recognise that song? An old, old Irish favourite, Mother Machree. I remember my father singing it to […]

St. Patrick……Pray for us……

It’s hard to believe, three years ago, a national lockdown commenced, as we endured the fear and anxiety, that’s part of a pandemic. That’s why this year 2023, there is […]

Time To Think Again

Jesus wasn’t “laid back”. He had a sense of urgency about him, and he communicated that to others, especially his immediate followers. Why? Because he cared passionately about people. The […]

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As the evenings lengthen and new signs of life appear in our gardens we welcome a new Spring. The following ancient story tells how the simple spring air can refresh […]

Ash Wednesday Marks The Beginning Of Lent

Feb 22nd, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. This is a season of reflection that leads us towards the three days of the Triduum, with Easter Sunday falling on […]

Random Tales of Wisdom

How do you handle adversity? What are you thinking when the sun goes down on those cold, windy nights, when you’re trying to get to sleep, and the wind keeps […]

Deep Breath of Peace

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, an  elderly man was taking a walk along the beach. He was relaxed and content. The sun shone brightly in the […]

St. Brigid’s National Holiday

I love this time of year, a time to embrace brighter evenings and early mornings. Already there are signs of the new spring. Snowdrops, emerging from the winter soil. I’m […]

Reflection Enriches Life

St. Ignatius of Loyola’s (1491-1556), great insight came while he was convalescing after a serious injury. God was communicating within him through his daydreams initially, leading him away from selfish […]

Blue Monday

The third Monday of January 2023 has been branded Blue Monday. It begins what many describe as the most depressing week of the year. It is a gloomy time for […]

Pope Benedict XVI……..A Humble Servant of the Lord

In the annals of papal history, Joseph Ratzinger, who has died aged 95, will be remembered principally as the first pope in 600 years to retire, rather than to die […]

Christmas Mass Times

The post Christmas Mass Times appeared first on Portlaoise Parish.

The Gift…….The Christmas Child

Christmas 2022 is here. Yet another year has passed with all its many changes and immense challenges. Yet, the Christmas message remains timeless. ‘The Word became flesh and lived for […]

Céad Míle Fáilte

We are about to celebrate Christmas once again. I’m sure for the vast majority, this Christmas, will be greatly enhanced as we live in a post pandemic world. It’s hard […]

The Gift of Generosity This Christmas

Time moves by very quickly. Where has 2022 gone? I  sincerely pray that the Lord’s rich blessing will be given to you and your families this Christmas. Christmas, is a […]

Christmas 2022 …. A time to Prioritise

In the northern hemisphere, Christmas comes in an extraordinary time of the year. In our most vulnerable and darkest days, we are invited to indulge in a light that is […]

Advent.. A Time to be Patient

It should be no secret to anyone that we do not know the date of Christ’s birth, and so the Church baptised a Pagan feast. The Pagans saw the world […]

Finding Balance on Social Media

Social media is a great thing. It’s a very clever use of technology which allows us to connect with a wide circle of people in many different locations all over […]

The Weight of the Glass

The Art of Letting Go is about deciding to stop making the same mistakes and choosing to take a different path. It has been said that insanity is doing the […]

Ratheniska Children’s Choir Permission Form

Ratheniska Children’s Choir Consent Form The post Ratheniska Children’s Choir Permission Form appeared first on Portlaoise Parish.

Discern and change we must….

Recently, Cardinal Mario Grech, speaking in relation to the universal Synod warned against “The Danger of Keeping Silent”. The Synodal process is a time for speech, a time to let […]

Eternal Rest Grant To Them Lord…

Halloween did not come from Hollywood but rather its origins are strongly connected to ancient Celtic roots. In Celtic Ireland, about two millennia ago, Samhain was the point between the […]

I Was Hungry and You Gave Me Food……

Hunger is a problem that has plagued humanity for millennia, and it continues to haunt us. The United Nations and World Food Programme 2021 report, projected that between 720 and […]

Lord Increase our Faith

Lord Increase our Faith You don’t just wake up one morning, light streaming in from the window, birds fluttering about, and jump from your bed with exuberance declaring “I have […]

What Is Peace Of Mind

Peace of mind, is a feeling of being safe or protected, it is the absence of worry. It’s achieving a calm state of mind regardless of your situation and circumstances. […]

Guardian Angels

Steve Montgomery was headed home from a painting job when something crazy happened. As he drove down the interstate, he noticed what looked like a pipe rolling around in the […]

Time for Ordination of Women Deacons

The recent National Synthesis document, followed extensive consultation with thousands of Irish Catholics across the island since last October and culminating in reports published last June from each of the […]

Queen Elizabeth – An Iconic Christian

These are historic times. The death of Queen Elizabeth 11, has brought with it a huge outpouring of grief and sympathy, for a life that has “fought the good fight, […]

Living in the present moment….

One day a man walked past a camp of elephants. Looking closer, he was surprised to see that these mighty animals weren’t held in cages or kept in chains. The […]

Life… Our Greatest Teacher

It’s hard to believe that it’s back to school time again. This has been a wonderful summer and I do hope that all school communities feel a sense of being […]

Together we are stronger

There has been much discussion and commentary, regarding the publication of the synthesis of feedback from our national Synod. The synod is a process, initiated by Pope Francis, in an […]

Brother Kevin…. A Living Saint

A small number of public figures are instantly recognisable by their first name. One of them is Brother Kevin, the founder of the Capuchin Centre in Dublin’s Bow Street who […]

God Is With Us

A minister passing through his church in the middle of the day decided to pause by the altar and see who had come to pray. Just then the back door […]

The Power of Prayer

The following is a profound and yet very real story, told in relation to our human need in times of crisis as we turn to prayer. So often we can […]

Harvest Thanksgiving

Time seems to be moving extremely quickly. It’s hard to believe that August has arrived. This is a wonderful time of year when harvest begins to be gathered, a time […]

Stay Positive and Never Give Up

The following stories awaken a sense of hope and encouragement for us all. Well worth reflecting upon…. The Frog Race There was once a bunch of tiny frogs, who arranged […]

A Guide To Prayer

In the secular world, mindfulness is much  embraced and practiced. Personally, I find it  difficult to differentiate between practicing mindfulness and prayer. Prayer and meditation similarly are extremely nourishing and […]

An 8 Year Old’s Explanation of God

A second class student in primary school recently wrote the following wisdom……… One of God’s main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die, so […]

Summer… A Time to Rest

Despite all the bad news, regarding huge queues and cancellation of scheduled air flights, it is still wonderful that Dublin International Airport, enjoys a return to full and active business, […]

Synodality……Listening and Learning

Recently, the chiming of a bell at the ancient monastic site of Clonmacnoise, was significant. Laity, religious, priests and bishops, all participated at a daylong national assembly of the Irish […]

God’s Coffee

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his […]

Summer Rest

The month of June, is a wonderful time of year. Long bright days that awaken within us all a sense of peace and calm. Traditionally during summer time those who […]

Spirit of God, Loving and Free

As we have begun the month of June, I pray sincerely that this bright month, will be a time of rich blessing, health of body and peace of mind for […]

The Monkey Trap

Anything that you have to control, controls you. There are many variations to this story, but it’s quite instructive. In South America, Africa and Asia, the natives have devised a […]

St. Charles de Foucauld

The following is a biography of the wonderful life, of an inspirational Christian, recently canonised by Pope Francis. For all of us it is good to remember, “Every Saint has […]

Without Counting The Cost

There is story in the Gospel about a leper coming to Jesus on his knees and pleading with him, saying, ‘If you want to, you can cure me’. It was […]

Let Go……Let God

It’s good to think of prayer, not just as saying prayers, or speaking to God, but as listening to God; not just as words but as silence; not just the […]

Unprecedented Times

Security is an important reality we all desire, even though most of us spend most of our lives doing just that. We long for certainty, wanting to nail down a […]

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As we move closer to the Month of May, it brings a sense of hope and fresh opportunity. A recent walk in Emo Court, reminded me how beautiful creation truly […]

Easter-A Time of Hope

Easter is a time of hope and new life, an opportunity to begin again in a new way. The Angel said to the wounded followers of Jesus “Why look among […]

Make time to share this Easter

This is Holy Week, a sacred time when through ritual and symbolism we remember and give thanks for the great sacrifice Jesus made for each one of us. Jesus in […]

The Danger of Keeping Silent

The number of priests and members of religious orders in Ireland has dropped by 70% since 1970. In the past three years more than 25% of all priests in Ireland […]

Strangest Dream

Tanks in the city streets of Ukraine. Blocks of flats on fire. Wrecked and burnt-out trucks, twisted metal and shattered windows. Small groups of cold and frightened civilians shelter in […]

The Little Flower….. A Powerful Saint

St. Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897) was a French Catholic who became a Carmelite nun at an early age. She died in obscurity at the age of 24. However, after her […]

St. Patrick……Icon of Solidarity

After two long years of lockdowns and living with the reality of pandemic, it is with a great sense of joy that we can celebrate our national feast day together […]

God’s Dream

We can wait no longer. Martin Luther King’s Letter to White Church Leaders In 1960, Martin Luther King was imprisoned after leading a civil rights march. His dream seemed a […]

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Saint Basil, known as the Great, was a  fourth-century bishop of the Eastern Church who was known for his care for the poor. He was also the writer of a […]

The Starfish

In the Bible, the Virgin Mary was named Sella Maris, which means star of the sea. The Virgin Mary is a symbol of guidance and protection for people in difficulty […]

Slowing Down

Most of us live rushed lives, dashing from one thing to another. One consequence is that we live on the surface of life, skimming over it. We may pass through […]

Stay Positive

February, is such a beautiful month, brighter evenings and earlier mornings, awakens within us, a new energy. Winter has passed and thankfully the darkness of a dreadful pandemic also is […]

A Springtime of Hope

There was a great sense of relief and unburdening when An Taoiseach Micheal Martin, announced the ending of most of the restrictions, regarding COVID-19. We were all invited whilst keeping […]

Remembering Ashling

The recent tragic death of Ashling Murphy, has left a deep sense of vulnerability and pain, in the heart and soul of our nation. Ashling’s, horrific murder has brought with […]

Some Spiritual Tips for New Year 2022

The best resolutions are elastic, they cannot be broken with a single act. If you swear never to touch red meat, one burger ruins the resolution. If, on the other […]

Happy New Year

A new year is here! This means new beginnings, new journeys and new resolutions. The New Year is often seen as an opportunity to improve ourselves or what we have, […]

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This has been a tough year. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect all our lives. The scriptures tell us that after their visit to the new-born Saviour in Bethlehem, the […]

Let The Light Shine

At this time, every year, we hear these words from Scripture: ‘The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light’. Familiar words indeed, and easily left unheeded. But […]

‘O Holy Night continues to inspire hope and comfort.’

The gun should never have been left lying around in the first place. Making the carelessness even worse was that it was loaded. With two unsupervised eight-year-old boys messing with […]

First Week of Advent

Christmas seems to arrive now by the start of November and ends on Christmas day. In a secular culture the  season of Advent, a time of waiting is certainly counter-cultural. […]

Christ The King

This week, we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, we are called to work with this King. And this King is the one who dies on the cross, rises […]


The two young ladies were noisy. Vinisha Umashankar and Greta Thunberg. Vinisha said: “We’ll build the future, even if you are stuck in the past. I’m not just a girl […]

Overcoming Phobias

Many situations in this pandemic world present themselves as almost impossible: coping with stress, keeping going under pressure, addressing tough health issues, coping with death (our own and others) and […]

November- A Time to Remember

Halloween did not come from Hollywood but rather its origins are strongly connected to ancient Celtic roots. In Celtic Ireland, about two millennia ago, Samhain was the point between the […]

In The Name of God

Pope Francis, in a keynote address to the popular movements, a group that includes activists working on a wide variety of justice causes, called for a universal basic income and […]

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One key biblical image is that of building solid foundations, making a dramatic distinction between building on rock as opposed to on sand (Matthew 7:24-27). The point of foundations is […]

Leave The Phone At Home

“God brings forth His Son in thee, whether thou likest it or not, whether thou sleepest or wakest; God worketh His own will. That man is unaware of it is […]

Feast of St. Francis

This week we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis. St. Francis is among the most beloved and most familiar of all the saints of western Christianity. He remains as popular […]

Wisdom of Life

George Carlin at age 102, offered the following  wisdom that is deeply relevant for us all. If you don’t read this to the very end, you have lost a day […]

Harvest Thanksgiving….. A Time for Justice

Perhaps this harvest time is an opportunity for us all, to acknowledge the fruits that we all have in the depth of our being. Fruits that take a lot of […]